


It is a little more complicated than that - especially given that
images can have either left-handed or right-handed coordinate
systems.  To find out how coordinates map between spaces
use the utilities img2imgcoord, img2stdcoord or std2imgcoord.

All the best,

On 9 Feb 2009, at 21:43, Xiuyuan Wang wrote:

> Dear FSL members:
> I was working on the  brain registration on FSL 4.0 FLIRT. It did a  
> really good job when I coregistered  the post operation MRI image  
> with the MNI standard one using DOF 12, and it gave me a 4*4  
> transform matrix from post operation space to MNI space. What I want  
> to know is: how does the flirt work on a single voxel? Is it just  
> the multiplication of the transform matrix and [x;y;z;1] (x, y, z  
> are the voxel positions in post operation space) ? Thank you.
> Best,
> Hugh