

First call for papers for a session at the ISA in Sao Paulo: August
23rd-25th, 2009

International Sociological Association - Research Committee 21:
Sociology of Urban and Regional Development:  Inequality, Inclusion and
the Sense of Belonging

SESSION:  Inequality, Inclusion and the Sense of Belonging

Convenors: Susan Buckingham & Monica Degen, Brunel University - UK

Embodied Experiences and Civic In/Exclusion in the City

Cities make bodies and bodies make cities. In this session we suggest to
focus on the relationship between embodied experiences, marginalisation
and civic in/exclusion in urban environments. Embodied experiences have
been widely studied in the field of disability studies (for example
Butler & Parr 1999; Imrie 2001) or theorised in relation to urban life
(Sennett 1994; Sibley 1995; Amin & Thrift 2002; Knowles 2003). We would
like to expand this work by focusing on the variety of ways in which
corporeal experience of social in/exclusion in cities is articulated
through the connections between embodiment, subjectivity and spatial and
material practices. We are therefore looking for papers that explore the
multiple and sometimes conflicting territories of the embodied self in
relation to feelings of exclusion from society, thereby adding to a
practical understanding of processes of civic identity which are
entangled in the body, and so, map the 'social consequentiality of the
body's materiality' (Shilling 2007).

Abstracts accepted until May 15th 2009, details from:

Professor Susan Buckingham
Director, Centre for Human Geography 
and Deputy Head, Research, School of Sport and Education
Brunel University
Uxbridge, UB8 3PH
Tel: 	01895 266090 (direct)

Equal Opportunities Champion, Brunel University

Trustee, Womens Environmental Network;