


Single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering uses two  
datasets that are isomorphous while using the anomalous signal in one  
(here scattering and dispersion are synonymous?). How does SIRAS use  
the anomalous scattering signal that's different than a single  
wavelength anomalous dispersion ?

How does an anomalous difference patterson (SAD) differ from an  
isomorphous difference patterson with anomalous scattering (presumably  
utilizing a native crystal)?

Can a dataset that was not resolved by MAD/SAD be resolved by MIRAS/ 
SIRAS provided a good native dataset is available (Does MIRAS/SIRAS  
offer more phasing power than a typical SAD dataset?)

Any input would be appreciated!

Francis Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 67BA8D5D

8AE2 F2F4 90F7 9640 28BC  686F 78FD 6669 67BA 8D5D