

The British Association of South Asian Studies (BASAS) will hold its annual conference at University of Edinburgh, March 30, 2009 - April 01, 2009

There will be a panel on "ICTs and Development"

The convenor for the panel is Ashima Chopra: [log in to unmask]

If you are interested in presenting, please email Ashima as soon as possible.

Applicable to: Development Studies, Mathematics, Computer Science, Networks, HCI, Mobile Systems, Satellite and/or Telecommunications, Film, Design and Media.

This would include new and emerging technologies, both hardware and/or software, computational algorithms for data collection or management of data presented in their applied context, ICTs for Development including those used in education, governance, health or livelihood systems and any web based gadgets or web 2.0 applications that can be used by communities by plugging into their own systems and/or used as independent gadgets.

The paper/presentation should demonstrate the actual or potential application of technology/technologies for development scenarios within the South Asian context.  (It may be just a presentation or a paper as well - each presentation would be for approximately 15-20 minutes.)

The research presented may be secondary or applied.

BASAS Conference Website:

Registration Fees:

Early registration is £95 (by March 09, 2009) and there are a few bursaries available for postgraduate students - see website.