

Dear All,

I have been asked to post the following advertisement on the Archives-NRA
list. I am sorry for the fairly brief interval before the closure date, but
I have only just received the details this morning.

Robin Darwall-Smith


ARCHIVIST (Part-time)

Magdalen College School, one of the country's leading schools, seeks to
appoint an Archivist. 
It is anticipated that the position, which will be for term time only, will
be for five mornings per week for the first two years, and thereafter,
probably for two mornings per week. However, the post is a new one, the
school wishes to develop its archive and at all times is happy to consider
requests for flexible working. 

Application form, covering letter and full cv to be sent by email to the
Master, Dr T.R.Hands, by midday Friday 6th March 2009. 
Tel: 01865 458461 Email: [log in to unmask]
Address: Magdalen College School, Oxford, OX4 1DZ 
Details available on