

Dear All,

At Flintshire Record Office we are finding the level of enquiries we receive is overwhelming and are looking to create a self-financing researcher post. I know many record offices have done this already but for us it is a new venture and I should be very grateful if anyone who has gone down this route would share with me details of how their system works and their experience of it, good and bad.

Many thanks.

Claire Harrington
Principal Archivist/Y Prif Archifydd
01244 532414


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Deellir na fydd unrhyw safbwyntiau, na chynghorion, na

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nad ydynt yn berthnasol i waith swyddogol

Cyngor Sir y Fflint, yn cael eu cynnig na'u cadarnhau ganddo

nac ar ei ran, ac felly ni fydd Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn derbyn

unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am y rhannau hynny o'r neges.
