

Dear All, Our medical school is looking at its options for post qualification training. Currently Dundee medical graduates can submit a body of work for consideration for an MD: we charge a nominal fee but this often doesn't even cover the cost of assessment- we have two concerns about this: i) because the thesis is unsupervised the quality is often not even close to doctoral level so the University incurs assessment costs without any chance of the work passing ii) whilst this route is a service to our graduates it's not really beneficial to the university or the local area because these graduates are usually working far away from Dundee itself. Before we make any changes to these arrangements it would be useful to know whether other medical schools offer a similar arrangement for MDs and if so what the normal assessment fee is (ours is c£500). If you are willing to share your general policy on fees for staff taking PhDs this would also help to inform our thinking: we give full fee waivers as long as the doctorate is related to the work being undertaken by the member of staff but normal fees apply if the area of study is outwith this. Any responses will be most appreciated. best wishes Susan