

Was there anything more to the error message?  Also, what sort of errors does 
SPM produce when you try to use NIfTI files generated by dcm2nii ?

Best regards,

On Sunday 04 January 2009 11:19, Opher Lubzens wrote:
> Hello, I've been trying to import an inplane anatomy that I have in DICOM
> format into nifti using the SPM5 native DICOM import function.
> Unfortunately I get a "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch (2)" error
> from mat2file, and I can't understand the mat2file.c code, since my copy
> doesn't include documentation.Does anyone know of solution to this problem?
> Opher Lubzens
> PS.I've tried using dcm2nii but SPM was unable to read the resulting nifti.