


there seem to be at least two issues here: First, you have to initialise
SPM properly (set up paths, configuration, defaults etc) by running e.g.

spm fmri

Second, you should place the image filenames in double {'s. Otherwise
MATLAB will create ....hdw as a struct array (one struct for each
filename), which is not what you want. See the MATLAB help on 'struct'
for details.


Am Sonntag, den 25.01.2009, 20:25 -0500 schrieb Ping-Hong Yeh:
> Hello SPMers, 
> I am testing the HDW using spm8b, but ran into some troubles. 
> Here is the commands, 
> clear; 
> images =
> {'/disk2/work/cert_bd/long_SA_15T_bp_lithium/HDW/test/ref.nii,1', ...
> '/disk2/work/cert_bd/long_SA_15T_bp_lithium/HDW/test/mov.nii,1'}; 
> bias_opts = struct ('nits', 8, 'fwhm', 60, 'reg', 1e-6,'lmreg', 1e-6),
> warps_opts = struct ('nits',8,'reg',4), 
> matlabbatch{1} = struct('Subject', images,
> 'bias_opts',bias_opts, 'warps_opts', warps_opts);
> spm_jobman('run',matlabbatch);
> The errors read
> ??? Undefined function or method 'cfg_util' for input arguments of
> type 'cell'.
> Error in ==> spm_jobman at 194
>             cfg_util('runserial',mljob);
> Thanks for help. 
> ph
Volkmar Glauche
Department of Neurology         [log in to unmask]
Universitaetsklinikum Freiburg  Phone   49(0)761-270-5331
Breisacher Str. 64              Fax     49(0)761-270-5416
79106 Freiburg