

How very sorry I am to learn of the late sufferings and final passing of 
Kent Hieatt!  I knew him for so long I can't remember when we first met, 
but I owe him a tremendous debt; the piece I wrote in the Spenser 
Encyclopedia on Amoretti and Epithalamion -- and indeed much else -- 
would not have been possible without his imaginative work. 
Ground-breaking is hardly the word for it -- imagination is what he had, 
and tough scholarship to go with it. And such a collaborator with 
others! A very great loss. Germaine

Germaine Warkentin // English (Emeritus)
VC 205, Victoria College (University of Toronto),
73 Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ont. M5S 1K7, CANADA
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"The primary rule of intellectual life: when puzzled, it never hurts to read the primary documents" (Stephen Jay Gould)