

COST Action IC0602 on Algorithmic Decision Theory (
Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)

Author: Ulle Endriss <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 18 December 2008


The aim of an STSM is to contribute to the scientific objectives of our 
COST Action. STSMs allow scientists to visit an institution in another 
COST member state to foster collaboration or to learn a new technique. 
They are particularly intended for "early stage" scientists. An STSM
may take between 1 week and 3 months. Long-term stays of 1 month or 
more by PhD students are particularly encouraged. For this kind of STSM, 
usually an amount of 1500 Euros will be judged appropriate. For shorter 
stays, the amount requested should be significantly lower. It may not 
always be possible to fully cover each trip from COST funds alone.


The next deadline is 16 February 2009. Applications for STSMs between
March and June 2009 are sought. The following deadline is expected to 
be in April 2009 (only if there is money left from the 2008/9 budget).

Different rules and deadlines apply to STSMs to Australia. If interested,
please contact Ulle Endriss <[log in to unmask]>.

Send your application to Ulle Endriss <[log in to unmask]> by the deadline. 
Please use "COST STSM Application: <applicant> to <host institution>" as 
the subject line. Each application should cover the following details 
(please send everything in a single email, in ASCII or as a PDF attachment):

(1) Name, position, affiliation and email address of the applicant:
[state date of PhD degree if applicable; to verify "early stage" status]

(2) Host institution and contact person (with email address) there:

(3) Title of the STSM:

(4) Date and duration of the STSM:

(5) Amount of COST funding applied for (with justification):

(6) Purpose of the STSM: 
[plan of work; contribution to COST objectives; up to 300 words] 

The contact person at the host institution also needs to send an email 
to Ulle Endriss by the deadline, confirming that the applicant has been 
invited for the specified visit and will receive appropriate support at 
the host institution. Please use the same subject line as above.


For further information on the purpose of STSMs, please consult, Section 3 of the Vademecum
(reading subsections 3.1 to 3.5 is recommended for applicants). 
Note that not all of the information in that document applies 
to our COST Action (because we are using the "Grant System").

If in doubt about any of the rules, please contact Ulle Endriss.