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On 17-Jan-09, at 11:07 AM, Stephen Vincent wrote:

> Can you imagine a land devastated, one without any remaining
>  architecture? Can you imagine such a land composed and spoken  
> entirely of
>  sentences in a language so orderly, so lyric and so radiant that  
> its refugees
>  - though starving and otherwise defenseless - wander about  
> (dancing, walking,
>  loitering) without grief or resentment? “There are certain things
>  impossible to take away,” these citizens will insist. “The
>  construction of poetry, its edification is not only our bread and  
> water. It
>  is our architecture.”
>  To the contrary, many among us, no matter the poetry, no matter
>  the sentences, the songs - as though again ‘Eyeless in Gaza’
>  -  come to nothing in wordless, appalled silence.
>  As Israel destroys itself in horrific anger.
>  from "Homeless Blankets - A Winter Series" on the blog,
>  photographs et al,  at:

Douglas Barbour
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Latest books:
Continuations (with Sheila E Murphy)

Oh, goddamnit, we forgot the silent prayer.

             Dwight D, Eisenhower
             [at a cabinet meeting]