Hi Alison, I hope all is well with you! Unfortunately I cant make that date - will you be producing any papers from the meeting?
All the best

>>> "Macfarlane, Alison" <[log in to unmask]> 28/01/2009 09:42 >>>
I am writing to follow up my previous message about the European Epidemiology Network meeting in London on April 6. The full information will appear on the web site shortly. The cost of the conference will be £30 for the day and we will have an online system which will allow booking by credit card.

London is notoriously expensive, but I have negotiated a deal with the nearby Thistle Hotel. http://www.milesfaster.co.uk/london-hotels/thistle-city-barbican-london.htm
They will reserve a block of single rooms for us which you can book at £80 per night, provided you book at least 28 days in advance. So that I can get an idea how many to ask them to reserve, can you please let me know if you are likely to be interested, by 4pm tomorrow, January 29.

Contributed presentations
We should like to invite you to submit abstracts for contributed presentations of 15 minutes each plus 5 minutes for questions, describing collaborative projects involving at least two European countries. Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words in length and be emailed to me by Friday February 20.

People not selected to make a presentation will be invited to bring copies of a summary on a sheet of A4 paper and speak to it for five minutes. We also invite people to do the same with proposed new projects for which you are seeking collaborators.

Hioping to hear from you, Alison

Alison Macfarlane
Department of Midwifery and Child Health
City University London
20 Bartholomew Close
London EC1A 7QN
Phone (0) (44) 207 040 5832
Fax   (0) (44) 207 040 5717
Email [log in to unmask]