

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the latest number of the journal GFL: German as a Foreign Language, a special edition on the theme 'Cultural Responses to Migration Experiences since Unifiction'. It contains the following contributions:

For Feridun Zaimoglu's Leyla: Crime Facts and Fictions, Tom Cheesman, Swansea

Writing in the 'Grey Zone': Exophonic Literature in Contemporary Germany, Chantal Wright, New Brunswick, Canada

Das Museum als Vermittlungsinstanz von Migrationserfahrungen, Silke Arnold-de Simine, London

Negotiating Gender, Sexuality and Ethnicity in Fatih Akin's and Thomas Arslan's Urban Spaces, Joanne Leal, London and Klaus-Dieter Rossade, Milton Keynes

It can be found on the GFL website at

Best wishes
Joanne Leal