I write you on behalf of Prof. Pedro Ibarra Güell, Prof. Carmelo Moreno del Río and
myself to announce that we are planning to publish a book on politics and emotions. At
the moment, we are looking for three recent PhDs who are working on that topic. Should
you be interested in participating, please, contact me by e-mail ([log in to unmask]).

Our project is as follows: We want to create a blog, where six relatively young doctors
(Ph.D. obtained in the last four years) will each publish a text of about 5.000 words
(approximately 40.000 characters, blank spaces included) related to the issue of politics
and emotions. More specifically, the theme of departure of all the six papers should be
what we can call 'The Obama Phenomenon'. From there on, each of the young doctors will be
free to choose how to relate this topic of departure with the broader issue of politics
and emotions. After having published the six papers on the blog, the blog will be opened
to general discussion. The initial six scholars, but also other researchers interested in
this topic will be able to comment on the presented work. (Other scholars will be invited
to participate in the discussion, and the blog-cum-debate will be advertised through
academic mailing lists.) Finally, the initial six doctors are expected to write another
short paper (< 5.000 words) in response to critiques and comments. The whole debate ?or
at least the initial and last papers, and the most significant remarks made during the
discussion? will be published as a book.

What we expect from the contributors are theoretically oriented papers on politics and
emotions. The contributors should use empirical material taken from the American
elections, the Obama campaign etc. to illustrate his/her theoretical perspective; but our
central issue will be 'politics and emotions', not 'the Obama phenomenon'.

The working language will be English.

We haven't yet scheduled when the first papers should be delivered and so on. We are
waiting to close the list of the initial six PhDs in order to negotiate a timetable with
them. (Informally, I can advance you that the contributors will have more or less five
months to deliver their first paper ?but this is a point, however, to be agreed with

I will be happy to answer all of your questions.

If you are interested in participating, please, write me back.

Marcos Engelken-Jorge.

Marcos Engelken-Jorge
Postdoctoral Researcher
The University of the Basque Country
Department of Political Science
E-mail: [log in to unmask]" class="signature-fixed" href="https://www.ehu.es/horde/imp/message.php?index=117#" onclick="popup_imp('/horde/imp/compose.php',800,650,'to=marcos.engelken%40ehu.es&thismailbox=INBOX');">[log in to unmask]
Personal web page: http://ehu.academia.edu/MarcosEngelkenJorge

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