


Just remembered this email.

I asked Tim and he thinks that the v2 behaviour should be the same as the
v1 behaviour (that bit of the code hasn't changed in awhile).

Are you saying you want just the fundamental region checked?  Or
infinity??  Tim says the way the code is organised it's a change that
would go several functions down.


On Thu, 22 Jan 2009, [ISO-8859-1] Brian Smith wrote:

> Hi,
> In 2.0.5 I just noticed that the "Unaliased possible" checkbox in the
> assignment popup honours the spectrum's Minimum & Maximum aliased frequency
> settings. Is this an intentional change (as far as I remember) from v1
> behaviour? If so would it be feasible to have an "honour min/max" toggle -
> for me, the feature is at its most useful before you've set up min & max
> aliasing fully, but I can see that you might want to restrict it to the
> min/max later in your analysis of the data.
> Brian