I just can't keep up!  I'm a slow (but careful) reader and I just can't keep up with all the links and lonks and yonks of what's coming in.  Facebooks and goodbooks and crookbooks goodlooks, cookbooks and feckknowswhichbooks. Gawd luv uz all.   I feel I might be missing something - like everything!
It's heartening that there is so much stuff 'out there' but there is so much stuff 'out there' it would take a full time job and more to sift the surface.  I'm in there somewhere - and so are you.   But so what and where? Most of the time I can't even find myself!! If I can't find myself I can't find you and I can't the stamina to go on and on finding what?
Over or Under whelmed?
Any thoughts - if you have time to read this.
I've just got on broadband but that seems to have intensified the problem - there so much more I can access - but my brain is still human!!!
I'm heading back in my big armchair with my feet up and a cup of tea - it seems the only way forward.
How does one cope?  Can you all read really really quickly? 