Hi Chris,
answers below.

From: HE Administrators equal opportunities list on behalf of Chris Bradshaw
Sent: Tue 1/20/2009 1:50 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Equality and Diversity Structures


We're doing a bit of research as to what sort of Equality Structures exist in
Universities.  Please let me know the following:

1. Who in the senior team has overall responsibility for Equality and Diversity?

The University Librarian heads the Equal Opportunities Committee. The University Secretary has quarterly update meetings on E&D issues.

2. Do you have an Equality Committee/Board or an Equal Opps. Comittee?

3. Who (designation) chairs this group?

As above

4. Where does the committee report?
The Committee Reports to the Infrastructure Board which reports to Planning and Management Executive. Sometimes specific reports are taken to PME and other Boards.



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