

Good morning Steve et al

You say mind/body split is impossible but surely that just another dogma 
or presupposition - that one usually find in reductionist scientists?? : )
so surprised to hear you say that. But it may indeed be that if true it 
would require a revision of some existing "scientific paradigms".
We published a book way back by the late Gerhard Wassermann called 
"Shadow Matter & Psychic Phenomenon" and "Consciousness & Near Death 
Experience" that
attempted to
intergrate both viewpoints.

As to Horus & the Tarot - I suspect Horus was known via sources such as 
Plutarch "Isis & Osiris" but not sure on its publishing history -
but the myth cycle is known and occurs famously in Northern myth as in
Hamlet, the Dane - which is a possible retelling of the Osirian myth. 
Margaret Murrey wrote some papers on
 "The Cult of the Drowned" in Europe, which probably alludes to same 
thing - just a suggestion really but guess her "Witchcult" idea was 
based on a classical model.
Keith Thomas in "Man and the Natural World" also has idea about 
surviving classical myths.

On Indian philosophy - I think we'd have to agree to differ on "whether 
dualism is cool" - Samkhya dualism is counted as one of the six major 
systems of Indian philosophy,
predates Buddhism and is the basis for most philosophical discussion in 
the Hindu tradition. It's is opposed to animal sacrifice and is the 
basis of Ayurvedic medicine -
so you can't get cooler than that imo.
For a v rough and ready summary - see my online essay

needs a lot of revision but gives you some idea



> Mogg, as for Indian Philosophy I’d say all the cool stuff is in the non-dualistic philosophies.
> Steve