

Oes unrhyw un all fy helpu gyda'r uchod a hefyd un term arall?  Maent
yn ymddangos mewn dogfen sy'n ymchwilio i brofedigaeth rhieni sydd
wedi colli plentyn ag anabledd deallusol.

Dyma enghraifft o'r uchod yn ei gyd-destun:

"Fraley and Bonanno propose that a relationship between attachment and
anxiety may be responsible for the risks posed by avoidance coping:
fearful-avoidant attachment patterns combined with high anxiety are
associated with elevated symptoms of grief and distress."

A'r ail derm/au: loss-orientated and restoration orientated stressors

Eto, dyma enghraifft ohono yn ei gyd-destun:

"The Dual Process Model of coping with bereavement defines two types
of stressors that bereaved people encounter: loss-orientated and
restoration orientated stressors."

Llawer o ddiolch

Pob hwyl
