Dear All,
I have just completed the book compilation of inclusional essays that I have been working on for some while. Please find the introduction and contents list attached. I would be happy to send the full version (around 800KB) to anyone who asks me for it.
Maybe we can indeed summarize the paradigmatic transformation from
(objective) rationality into inclusionality (and its transfigural
mathematical foundation) in just four words:

'From emptiness to openness'
When we stop thinking rationalistically of space as 'emptiness' (nothingness) and start
thinking inclusionally of space as 'openness' (no-thingness) our understanding of nature
and human nature inverts. We cease to regard matter as an independent, stand-alone,
stuck up, proud and prejudiced substance that misogynistically abhors a
vacuum and seeks to occupy it as a possession over which it has
total(itarian) dominion. Instead we have space as the receptive, catalytic
source of creativity from and in whose vital gravitational and thermal
pooling presence extraordinarily complex and varied bodily flow forms can emerge and co-evolve.
