

Cold Moon

Each month I show you the same face,
and you call me a different name.

Now you call me Cold Moon,
but I am always cold.

You call me Long Night Moon,
but my nights are always long,

bright on one side, dark the other.
I am the same, always, and you

make of me what you desire. Magical,
monstrous, indifferent, muse.

I pull at your blood, and you
deny me. We yearn for one

another, stone of my stone, fire
of my fire, night of my night.


Dec. 12, 11:37 a.m. EST — Full Cold Moon; among some tribes, the Full
Long Nights Moon. In this month the winter cold fastens its grip, and
the nights are at their longest and darkest. Also sometimes called the
Moon before Yule. The term Long Night Moon is a doubly appropriate
name because the midwinter night is indeed long and the moon is above
the horizon a long time. The midwinter full moon takes a high
trajectory across the sky because it is opposite to the low Sun. The
moon will also be at perigee later this day, at 5:00 p.m. EST, at a
distance of 221,560 mi. (356,566 km.) from Earth. Very high ocean
tides can be expected from the coincidence of perigee with full moon.

~ sharon