

A nother [rare for me] snap, this:

Makars--Makers of Poetry

'knowledge made memorable'
Old English riddlers
'well set up, stand in a bed,
have a roughish root'

their word-hoard hears blowing branches
a catch in the swan's neck
a top cloud throwing wisdom
to weathered men, sharp-eyed
ponderers of nature's needs, political turns

all must know the old
the ships and oars and leaving
wife on the rock who turns sharp, dry-eyed
pulls carrots and fear from the earth

none can be blind to heroes' sacrifices
or unborn babies die and die
until they come to term
through a knowing womb

how to give, how to hear, how to see
how to tell the trestles of listening folk
who plow and dig, who turn the earth back
to a new seed

