Hello List
I have been responsible for the  approval of OHN portfolios at London South Bank University. We are no longer accepting applications for that approval.

 The NMC seem to be giving out mixed messages. Initially the NMC had stated that they would not give include an annotation on the register re the route of entry for those who migrated by portfolio. Then I was told that they would do so for the people I had approved. Their  latest stance (ie Friday of two weeks ago) is that they probably wouldn’t make an annotation on the SCPHN register  for those who have migrated by portfolio.

My personal opinion, in the unlikely even of you being given any option, is to  include the pathway of OH as an annotation. I say this as the SCPHN register is likely to open up to practitioners who have entered from a variety of professional backgrounds including school nursing, sexual health, health protection etc, etc.  Diana and Lucy are both quite correct that your c.v and the M Med Sci would indicate to an enlightened employer that you have a background in OH but in the very long term there could be   a two tier system for those who migrated onto the register: “the haves” and the “have-nots”.

 I was in a meeting last week when  senior  infection control practitioners were of the opinion  that those who work in infection control will qualify for  SCPHN registration by virtue of “grandfather rights”. That is not a process I want to be part of. The people who practice in OH and whose portfolios I have approved have had to demonstrate to me as a representative of London South Bank University that they have met the learning outcomes to the same standard, but in a different way, to those who have been registered by virtue of an NMC validated programme.

Anne Harriss
Course Director Occupational Health Programmes
London South Bank University

On 22/12/08 20:54, "Lucy and Adrian" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

because you've got your M.Med.Sci. OH anyway!

Lucy & Adrian
01926 850707

-----Original Message-----
From:  [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of  Diane Romano-Woodward
Sent: 22 December 2008 19:01
To:  [log in to unmask]
Subject: [OCC-HEALTH] migration by  portfolio " annotation"

Hello list,
This may  put the cat among the pigeons....
I have sucessfully  submitted a portfolio and I am at the stage where my name is to be put on the  third part of the register. The NMC has asked me if I want it "annotated" that  is, after SCPHN put " OH ".
I am of two minds on this . One  is it will indicate that I practice and have expertise in OH. But then again  anyone who need to know that ,(eg prospective employers )  would   have a look at my CV and figure that out fairly quickly.  
Alternatively should I emphasise that I have satisifeid the NMC  that I can practices as a Public Health Nurse (omitting the OH), which seems  to be the way that the world is drifting.
Does it make any  difference at all?
Many OH jobs require that you are on the third  part of the register, which I will be, whatever I chose. Some ask for a  qualification in OH which I have, although not one recognised by the  NMC.
Anyone got any strong views? Particularly those who might  want to employ me in the future   :)
Diane  Romano-Woodward


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