

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the launch of the Warwick Centre for Memory Studies.

You are invited to join us for the inaugural lecture on 'The Disunity of Memory' to be given 
by our first Visiting Fellow, Professor John Sutton, on Wednesday 3rd December at 
6.15pm Ramphal Lecture Theatre 0.21, University of Warwick. The Centre will be formally 
opened by Professor Susan Bassnett, Pro Vice Chancellor. The lecture will be followed by 
a reception.

The Warwick Centre for Memory Studies will respond to and shape public and academic 
discourses on the nature, manipulation, and contestation of memory in the contemporary 
era. The Centre will provide a distinct international and multidisciplinary forum for the 
advancement and coalescing of work currently being undertaken, often under separate 
disciplinary masts, both intra- and inter-institution. The Sage journal of Memory Studies 
( will be hosted by the Centre.

John Sutton is Professor of Cognitive Science in the Macquarie Centre for Cognitive 
Science (MACCS), Macquarie University, Sydney, where he was previously head of the 
Department of Philosophy. He is author of 'Philosophy and Memory Traces: Descartes to 
connectionism' (CUP) and coeditor of 'Descartes' Natural Philosophy' (Routledge). His 
recent papers address relations between autobiographical and social memory; embodied 
memory and skilled movement; the extended mind in early modern England; dreaming; 
and situated/ distributed cognition.

To reserve a place at this launch event, please email: [log in to unmask]

Andrew Hoskins
Department of Sociology
University of Warwick

Founding Principal Editor, Memory Studies

New 2008 journal: Memory Studies
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