

Greetings to the list,

The attached BSE photo shows (part of) a large cluster of monazite 
grains included within a single garnet in a whiteschist.  This sample 
has only one generation of monazite (metapelitic samples from the 
same region show two generations of monazite, the younger of which is 
the same age as the ones in this sample).  The other garnets in this 
sample have few (or none at all) monazite inclusions. The monazites 
included within the other garnets of this sample show different 
levels of Y based upon where in the garnet they are located.  The 
ones in the garnet cores (there is a circle of quartz inclusions at 
the core-rim boundary for these garnets) are low in Y (0.07 to 0.4 
wt%), while the ones in the rims and in the matrix are higher in Y 
(0.99 to 2.7 wt%).  However, this cluster, which is located within 
the core of its garnet (as defined by the circle of quartz 
inclusions, see attached ppl photo of the garnet which hosts the 
cluster of mnz), has the same high levels of Y as seen in the 
monazite included within the rims of the other garnets.

I've had some thoughts about this cluster and its implications for 
this sample, but I would welcome hearing what others have to say about it.



Reia M. Chmielowski
PhD Candidate
Department of Earth Sciences/CODES
University of Tasmania, Australia
(03) 6239 6666
0408 238 590