

Hi All,

The problem Xiang describes arises because all the figures are saved to 
the same working directory (eg C:/My Documents/MATLAB/ ).  Each figure 
is saved with only the month and day in the filename (eg, so there can only be one unique file per day.  An 
easy fix is to just change spm_print so that the filename will include 
the current time as well.  As long as there isn't more than one figure 
generated per second (in which case I envy you!), this should be safe.  
To do this, in spm_print, change

t   = clock;
nam = ['spm_' num2str(t(1)) mon{t(2)} sprintf('%.2d',t(3))];


t = fix(clock);
nam = ['spm_' num2str(t(1)) mon{t(2)} sprintf('%.2d',t(3)) '_' 
sprintf('%.2d',t(4)) sprintf('%.2d',t(5)) sprintf('%.2d',t(6))];

Hope this helps,

Marko Wilke wrote:
> Hi Xiang,
>> spm5, when analyze multiple subjects using the Tasks->batch, the realign
>> figure (showing the head motion) of previous subjects will be 
>> overwrited by
>> the realign figure of the next subjects.
>> So, how to customize the place and the name of the realign figure to 
>> avoid
>> the situation? Thanks
> The figure as displayed by spm is only a representation of the 
> information stored in the realignment parameters text file, so you can 
> re-create the figure by reading in those parameters, for example using 
> this bit of code:
> % =================================
> filt = ['^rp_*','.*\.txt$'];
> files = spm_select([1 Inf],filt,'Select parameters',[],pwd,'.*');
> mydata = spm_select(1,'dir','Select data directory',[],pwd);
> old_pwd = pwd;
> cd(mydata);
> res = 96;
> for i = 1:size(files,1)
>   printfig = figure;
>   [p nm e] = fileparts(deblank(files(1,:)));
>   pd = strrep(p, '\', '/');
>   set(printfig, 'Name', ['Motion parameters from ' pd],...
>    'Visible', 'off');
>   plot(load([p filesep nm e]));
>   title(['Data from ' pd], 'interpreter', 'none');
>   motname = [mydata 'motion_sub_' sprintf('%02.0f', i) '_' date '.png'];
>   print(printfig, '-dpng', '-noui', ['-r' num2str(res)], motname);
>   close(printfig)
> end;
> cd(old_pwd)
> % =================================
> Enjoy,
> Marko

Neil R. Chatterjee
Research Assistant
Stanford Systems Neuroscience & Pain Lab
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