

Remote Cloister

Brothers, the demon who faces
greedily forward, whose servants
look steadily back, and who profits
from Time has set his sights
on our constricted now.
Soon we’ll be in the street.
Soon neatness will fail
to hide our fraying cloth, while every
pose of eagerness to serve the demon
shows only age, confusion,
and total uselessness to him.
A laugh at our expense
will again inflect all laughter.
Another negative report
on each of us will join
those that already fill the files of the world.
The noise made by the door
that was always closed may almost drown
the voice you heard when you came here,
which said Humiliation is good;
that it teaches everything
but how to avoid it; that you should
regard yourself as lost, not as a loser.

We knew the cold sheets
of motels and charity wards
would be the price of knowledge.  There
the mother who denied you tucks you in,
while Father in his white coat
impatiently checks your pulse.
Those who betrayed you
buy your last tasteless dinner;
visitors whom you betrayed
toast you all night in acid wine.
Not only you, they console you,
but every man is mistaken,
a nearsighted visionary,
a futile passion ... Brothers,
I too salute you!  Let us cherish,
while we can, our high, blind windows,
the wasteland beyond, each other’s
intolerable company.
Then the deceiving demon
whose charms we also know
may praise, in terms that are
in the end meaningful,
the joy of letting go.