

Researching Student Learning in a

Digital Age


Friday 6th February 10.00 am - 4.30 pm


This event is being hosted by two OU ESRC funded projects:


Digital Literacies in Higher Education <> 


The Net Generation: encountering e-learning at University


It will offer the opportunity for sharing research findings and approaches and generating conversations about researching student learning in today's diverse, technologically-mediated HE contexts.

The kinds of issues we wish to explore in the day are:


* Are students really 'Digital Natives'?

* What are the implications for student learning of the 'Net Generation'?

* What research approaches are being used to explore student learning in a digital age?

* What theories and methodologies are being drawn upon?


You are invited to submit an abstract for a short stimulus paper (15 minutes) which will contribute to the day. Please send abstracts (maximum of 300 words) by 15th January 2009 to:


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The event will take place at The Open University. Places are limited. To ensure a place please send a cheque for £20 (lunch included), made out to The Open University to: Dr.Sylvia Jones, IET, Open

University, Walton Hall, MK7 6AA. Registration closes on January 23rd 2009. Enquiries to [log in to unmask]




Dr Christopher Jones, 
Reader in the Institute of Educational Technology, 
The Open University, 
Walton Hall, 
Milton Keynes 
MK7 6AA. 
[log in to unmask]
Tel: +44 (0) 1908 652530


The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).