

Hello Again,

We need to get underway planning our December get together, don't we? The weekend of 12-14 December is provisionally booked at Bailbrook House in Bath (at exceptional rates!)

Now we need presenters and people to come and join us in our learning dialogues about mentoring and coaching. We need to make decisions soon because December is close.

If you would like to come and present your paper from BERA 2008 at Baibrook there will be no delegate day rate charge.  SIG funding is £400 per year but let's use it to support us all.

I saw many of the proposals for BERA in Edinburgh and I know that a great deal of effort went into getting papers prepared in time. Let's give them an airing a second time around?

In fact, how about a third and global airing?  What about bringing together papers at BERA for our publication and if you can't join us in Bath you still have an opportunity to contribute.

We have a long way to go in achieving the goals we set out in our mission statement for the SIG.  Since our SIG was initiated we have achieved a great deal together - we have grown...

We need to work together to develop understandings of mentoring and coaching across the boundaries of professional territories.  We need to continue research as a community too..

Come and join us at Bailbrook House in Bath for some/all of the weekend 12-14 December
Let me know this next week if you can come and present your BERA paper or another one

Here is the link to the Bailbrook House, Bath website at and I have attached the flyer detailing exceptional accommodation and day delegate roles.

Do let me know if you are able to come and present your paper 12-14 December by return
Ten days from now I will circulate registration forms for delegates joining in our SIG's event.

Looking forward to hearing from you - I can't lead this SIG without YOUR help,

Thank you for your support,


Convenor for BERA Mentoring and Coaching SIG. Access details at