

Sheffield Hallam University – Media and Communication


Wednesday (12 November at 4pm in Furnival Building, City Campus l9005). 

It will  be delivered by Michael Bailey from Leeds Metropolitan
University.  Dr Bailey is also organising a conference on this subject
in conjunction with the 'The Institute of Northern Studies' (see details
below if the conference is also of interest). 

Please forward this email to any interested party.


Richard  Hoggart: Culture and Critique
Call For Papers

An international conference hosted by:

The School of Cultural Studies and The Institute of Northern Studies
Leeds Metropolitan University
10-12 July 2009

Since the publication of The Uses of Literacy in 1957, Richard Hoggart
has been one of Britain's foremost public intellectuals and cultural
critics. His work challenges entrenched disciplinary and social
boundaries, addressing a wide range of subjects including literature,
popular culture and the development of public policy. 

His reputation for being both a critical and practical intellectual is
evident in the way that he worked tirelessly within and without the
world of academe for much of his career, working as an extra-mural
lecturer at the University of Hull, Senior Lecturer in English at the
University of Leicester, Professor of English and founding Director for
the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of
Birmingham, Assistant Director-General of UNESCO and Warden of
Goldsmiths College, University of London.  He has also been a key member
of numerous other public bodies and committees, including the Albermarle
Committee on Youth Services, the Pilkington Committee on Broadcasting,
the Arts Council of Great Britain, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, the
Advisory Council for Adult and Continuing Education and the Broadcasting
Research Unit.

During this time he has published over thirty books and contributed to
numerous policy documents, the sum of which represents an extensive and
entirely consistent engagement with normative questions and public
discourses that continue to inform contemporary debates about culture,
literacy, educated citizenship and social democracy.

Invited keynote speakers include Alan Bennett, Melvyn Bragg, Tony
Harrison, Peter Bailey, Ros Brunt, Sue Owen, Jim McGuighan, Mac Daly,
Jeremy Seabrook, John Corner, among others. Papers are invited on any
aspect of the work or influence of Richard Hoggart, but are particularly
encouraged on the following themes:

.       Cultural Studies: Then & Now
.       Uses of Literature
.       Cultural & Social History
.       Adult Education
.       Media, Culture & Society
.       Cultural Policy
.       Gender, Sexuality & Race

Conference papers will be organized into panel sessions of 90 minutes,
each comprising three 20-minute papers and time for discussion.
Proposals may be submitted either for individual papers or for organized
panel sessions of three papers and a chair.

Abstracts of papers (200 words) should be sent by 31st January 2009 to
Pat Cook/Jean Brownridge.  Email: [log in to unmask]

+44 (0) 113 812 3120

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