excellent stuff, Tim, well done
Mike Brocken

--- On Mon, 24/11/08, Tim Wall <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
From: Tim Wall <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: New Jazz Histories
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Monday, 24 November, 2008, 11:15 AM

Last week I attended the New Jazz Histories Seminar at Salford University with my colleagues Paul Long and Andrew Dubber.  It was a diverse and stimulating day, and I'd commend the next seminar to you all.

Paul and I gave a presentation on the BBC documentary series Jazz Britannia. This is part of a wider project we are developing on popular music history and heritage at the Birmingham School of Media’s Interactive Cultures research centre. We’ll be writing this paper up as a full journal article, and I’ll post some of the background thinking at my blog -- Wallofsound -- over the next few weeks, starting with the key points of our presentation.

I have written a blog post about jazz historiography stimulated by the seminar proceedings, and responding to the other papers.  I thought some of you in the wider constituency of jazz scholars would be interested, and so if you've five minutes to spare go to: http://wallofsound.wordpress.com/2008/11/22/salford-new-jazz-histories-seminar/

Your comments are very welcome.


Tim Wall
Professor of Radio and Popular Music Studies
AHRC Knowledge Transfer Fellow
Director, Interactive Cultures
Birmingham School of Media
Birmingham City University
City North campus
Perry Barr
B42 2SU

0121 331 5719