

Hi Everyone,

I have a statistical query that I wonder if you could help me with me.

I have 35 participants and each participant has completed 3
questionnaires during chemotherapy and the same three questionnaires
after chemotherapy. The results of the questionnaires are inputted
into SPSS as scale data (calculated from adding up Likert-scale
responses). One questionnaire has 5 subscales and the other two have
two subscales. In order to test for a difference between
questionnaire and subscale responses during and after chemo, would I
carry out a PAIRED T-TEST on each participant subscale total (i.e.
subscale total during chemo --> subscale total after chemo)?

I am pretty sure a paired t-test is appropriate, but someone has
recommended an ANOVA. However, when I attempt an ANOVA on SPSS, it
doesn't seem appropriate for my data since I only have two conditions
(i.e. two independent variables; during and after chemo).  Saying that, they
know more about stats than me!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help.

Kind Regards,

Nicola Davies,
BSc; MSc Comm.; PhD Researcher
Researcher at the University of Oxford