

I'm new to this message system, so my apologies if this is posted twice.

I am running TBSS on a large number of subjects (N = 75), everything works
smoothly for the FA analysis, but I get the following error when I run
TBSS_non_FA (MD):

projecting all_MD onto mean FA skeleton
/home/ssorg/fsl4/fsl/bin/tbss_non_FA: line 104:  7038 Killed               
${FSLDIR}/bin/tbss_skeleton -i mean_FA -p $thresh mean_FA_skeleton_mask_dst
${FSLDIR}/data/standard/LowerCingulum_1mm all_FA all_${ALTIM}_sk eletonised
-a all_$ALTIM

So, it creates the all_MD image fine, but stops short of creating
all_MD_skeletonized... bummer.

I've noticed that the suggested solution is to get more ram or increase
swap.  I'm running on 2 gb of ram and 4gb of swap currently.  I am wondering
if there is an alternative solution?  

Is it possible to split the all_FA and all_MD 4D images into individual
subject images and run tbss_skeleton for each subject in a loop and then
merge the files to create all_MD_skeletonized?

tbss_skeleton -i mean_FA.nii.gz 2000 mean_FA_skeleton_mask_dst.nii.gz
${FSLDIR}/data/standard/LowerCingulum_1mm all_FA0000.nii.gz
MD_skeletonized_0000 -a all_MD0000.nii.gz

I've seen this posted as a solution to memory shortages for generating the
FA skeletons, but haven't seen it posted for non_FA.