

ESRC funded seminar in Liverpool, 17th December: local economic development in an era of climate change and peak oil

We are pleased to announce that the seventh and final seminar in the ESRC funded seminar series on “Local Economic Development in an era of Resource Constraint and dangerous Climate Change  will take place from 9.30 to 5pm on 17th December at the Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool

The title is "local economic development in an era of climate change and peak oil" and will pull together the findings from the series as a whole, answering our key questions:

What are the major threats to prosperity and social justice for local economies in the UK from climate change and resource depletion? 

What threats will require hard choices to be made, and which might provide new opportunities for developing local economies in ways that lead to fulfilling livelihoods, without necessarily requiring conventional economic ‘growth’?

What steps should UK local economies take to address these issues in the short, medium and long term?

What contribution can local authorities, NGOs, citizens and academics meaningfully make, which require more structural change?

For more information on the series as a whole and previous papers, please go to:

We have four speakers and a discussant lined up, with three to be confirmed:

Peter North, University of Liverpool.  A summary of where we are and a sympathetic critique of localisation as a response to climate change and peak oil

David Gibbs, University of Hall.  A sympathetic critique of ecological modernisation as a response to climate change and peak oil.

Paul Benneworth, University of Newcastle.  Local and Regional Strategies.

Stewart Barr, University of Exeter.  Changing hearts of minds?  addressing consumption practices locally

Miriam Kennet from The Green Economics Institute will act as a discussant

To be firmed up

Aiden While, University of Sheffield.  Eco-regulation and surveillance: the dark side of strategies on peak oil and climate change.

Also invited, and we hope they will present are the New Economics Foundation on the "Green New Deal" and a group from Sheffield recounting their experiences of developing local strategies on climate change and peak oil.

The seminar is free but places are limited and available on a first come first served basis.  Please reserve a place with Peter North [log in to unmask]

a limited number of travel and accommodation bursaries are available to unfunded NGOs and community groups, postgraduates, post docs and new academics.  Again please reply to Peter North