Thanks to Mary Bryceland for posting the item on the new history centre and Scotland and slavery. 
We should remember that a lot of excellent work has been done on Scotland and slavery - as can be seen by Googling Scotland + slave. There cannot be a researcher into England and slavery and abolition that has not come across Scots. There's Dundas, the Wedderburns, William Murray (Earl of Mansfield), the Campbells, etc, etc; even John Paul Jones.
As we know from last year's in-depth work around the country there is still an enormous amount more work to be done. 
Perhaps BASA members in Scotland and non-members in Scotland on BASAJISC would begin to think about the added value of setting up a Scottish BASA branch to further the work, to seek to influenc the teaching of history in schools, and working with Palmer and the new Centre.
Sean Creighton
BASA Secretary
020 8640 2014