

Those in/near Liverpool this weekend (and those with interests in interactions with 
contemporary art)  may be interested in this event at Bluecoat, for the Liverpool Biennial, 
which I'm contributing to.


Mobile Academy presents:
Blackmarket for Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge No 11
On WASTE: The Disappearance and Comeback of Things & Values
an installation with 50 experts 
at the Bluecoat

Sat 29 November, 8.00pm, check-in opens 7.00pm
Free (one-to-one sessions £1 or €1 – no advance booking available)

Mobile Academy, a project by Hannah Hurtzig with changing partners based at HAU, 
Berlin, explores radical forums for knowledge transfer. The long-awaited first 
Blackmarket in the UK is an interdisciplinary research on learning and un-learning that 
installs a temporary show and production space, where narrative formats of knowledge 
transfer are tried out and presented.

50 experts engage in 30 minute one-to-one sessions, the evening developing into a sort 
of hallucinatory community college. Blackmarket at the Bluecoat examines the moment at 
which the material world falls out of sync with its human creators and slides into decay.

Presented in association with the Live Art Development Agency. Supported by Arts Council 
England, Liverpool Culture Company and the Goethe Institut Manchester 

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