

Hi all,

Just want to sanity check whether this is a generic problem or
if I've got something odd going on. The latest glite-UI metapackage 
update added a dependency on the Cream CE client tools (so far so 
good), and they have a dependency on the 'log4cpp' library, with 
version >= 1.0. The latest in the glite-UI repository seems to be

There's a savannah patch tracking entry at:
which reads to me as if they've the Cream tools against a more recent 
log4cpp release from RPMforge on purpose, despite having noted that 
the older one is still the 'preferred' one, and the only one available 
in the glite repo.

As far as I can see from trying to do a yum update on my UI this makes
the latest glite-UI package, and the Cream client tools uninstallable 
(unless you pull in a later version of log4cpp from RPMforge); so -
am I doing something weird, or is this just plain broken?

Also; on a side note - why does a UI need Cream tools anyway? Surely the
UI just talks to the WMS; it shouldn't have to care what kind of CE the
WMS then sends the job on to.
