

This may look similar to others that have come out today!!! 



We are putting out our call for sessions for the RGS-IBG 2009 annual
international conference - which will take place in Manchester, 26-28
August 2009. The Space Sexualities and Queer Working Group has a growing
presence at this conference and it is a good place for us to get
together to discuss key issues.  We will also have a pre-conference this
year (watch out for further details!)


Chair of the 2009 conference is Professor Stuart Lane (Durham
University), with  the key theme of 'Geography, Knowledge and Society' -
we can have sessions that address the conference theme ... for more info
see but we don't have to address it directly!


If you would like to propose a session for Space, Sexualities and Queer
Working Group sponsorship then send us a proposal, initially to Kath
Browne ([log in to unmask]) - and we can be co-sponsors with
other research groups as well, this means we get more sessions. 



18th Nov. - session proposals need to be with SSQWG. These will then go
on the RGS website ...

3rd Feb. - deadline for submission of papers (with abstracts) to session

22nd Feb. - deadline for submission of sessions (with papers/abstracts)
to RGS


There is a timeline and further details at:


 Can we have a proposal of about 400 words that includes:


* Session title and abstract or outline

* Name(s) and affiliation(s) of session convenor(s)

* If non-paper session (see below) - give us a fair idea of what you
want to do


Sessions will be 1 hour 40 minutes in length but the format is flexible,
e.g. contributed papers, poster sessions, panel discussions and
practitioner forums. (The official guidance also suggests that most
paper sessions are expected to contain five x 20 minute papers with time
included in each for questions, or four x 20 minute papers with
discussion / questions at the end ...)


It's a good idea for SESSION CONVENORS to put their calls out AS SOON AS
POSSIBLE, in order to send SSQWG your proposals


Remember - getting research group sponsorship provides promotion for
your session, and can help manage timetabling clashes for parallel
sessions. It also enables you to bid for money for Research Group guests
(who may be speakers in your session). 




Dr. Kath Browne,

Senior Lecturer,

School of the Environment,

Cockcroft Building,

Lewes Road,


BN2 4GJ,


Tel: +44 1273 642377

Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> 


***OUT NOW!***

Geographies of Sexualities (Browne, K, Lim, J. and Brown G. eds)

To read more and get a paper copy go to: