Hi everyone,

Our aim is to co-register FA maps to T1 images.


We have tried with both SPM and FSL.

FSL seem to be doing a good job, and when check with FSLview it is perfect, but when checked with SPM5 check-reg it seems to be offset (mostly on the y,z dimensions).

Similarly, when SPM is co-registering, when we check with FSLview it is perfect, but with SPM check-reg it is offset (mostly on the y,z dimensions).


We have read that the scales are different in FSL-nifti and SPM-nifti but we could not understand how to go about it.

We want to end up with both images co-registered in SPM so we could apply the normalization parameters of the T1 to the FA images.


Any advice would be appreciated




Pia (& Magda)