

Hello, I'm trying to set up a one-way within-subj design using SPM5. I have
4 levels and 7 subjects. According to a previous post, one can implement
this design via the 'full factorial' or 'flexible factorial' option, based
on how the data is entered/selected. I'm trying to do this through the 'full
factorial' option, but not sure if I'm doing it correctly. The degrees of
freedom reported on the design matrix page says 24, but shouldn't it be 18
for my study?

As for parameters I'm choosing 'NO' for Independence, to allow for
dependencies for this repeated measures design. 

I guess my main question is how can one setup a one-way within-subject
design or a one-way between-subject design under the 'full factorial' option
for SPM5? I've changed every possible parameter in this option tree, but
can't get a different report for the degrees of freedom (i.e. 27 df for
between-subj or 18 df for within-subj)

Thank you so much in advance,