

Dear SPM experts,

We are having trouble doing a group by condition anova in SPM. We tried
different ways in SPM5 (flexible factorial), without success, and are now
trying in SPM99, *Multi-group: condition & covariates. *We have two groups
and two conditions. We get the design attached, which looks satisfactory:

The contrast images (1 -1 -1 1 and -1 1 1 -1) look realistic, when we
eye-ball them in Vinci.

Our problem is that at the very end where the points of significant
difference in variance are seen *outside* the glass brains, as in the 2nd
image attached. It seems like there is something wrong with the coordinates,
for some reason.

Has anyone had this problem before? We would be very grateful for any help
with this!

Best regards,
Ylva Lilja
UC Irvine