

Hey Group,

                I have a couple questions about vbm and Dartel.  First 
I've run a vbm analysis to explore gray matter volume differences 
between two populations in my study.  I was able to run vbm for each 
subject and extracted gray matter volume values for each subject.  
However, when I look at the gray matter images generated by vbm there 
appear to be some problems for some of subjects.  I'm attaching a .jpg 
image of 15 of my subjects anatomical high resolution normalized brains 
and a .jpg image of the subsequent vbm analysis (the m0wc1 images).  
You'll note how many of the subjects have very strange gray matter masks.

Additionally, I also performed some ROI analyses (Markus, thanks for 
sending the code from John), but was unsure what vbm images to feed into 
the script.  I chose the m0wc1 images.  Are these the correct images to 

Lastly, I also wanted to try using DARTEL, but it seems that it is not 
compiled for PCWIN 64.  Is there a newer version that is?  Can I alter 
any code to get DARTEL to work?

Thanks for your help!
