

Hi All,

Sorry to come into this discussion so late... I just had a baby boy (!!!) and have been a bit otherwise occupied as you can imagine. 

Someone may have mentioned this already and apologies if this is repeating anything.  I didn't see anyone cite any of Sergio Porta's work on Mean Centrality Analysis, which is in my opinion one of the better combinations of "space syntax-like" thinking and "traditional" network graph analysis (i.e., how the physicists think of it).  Most of his papers are online and can be found at the links below.  I recommend:

Porta S, Crucitti P, Latora V. (2006), The network analysis of urban streets: a primal approach, «Environment and Planning B: planning and design», 33 5, 705-725.

Porta S, Crucitti P, Latora V (2006), The network analysis of urban streets: a dual approach, «Physica A, Statistical mechanics and its applications», 369, 853–866.

Crucitti P, Latora V, Porta S (2006), Centrality measures in spatial networks of urban streets, «Physical Review E», 73, 036125.

There are some good paragraphs in there discussing the use of network analysis of cities, in the ways that physicists think of networks.  I'm cc'ing Sergio on this as well, just in case he's not already on the list.  Hopefully this is helpful.  Best wishes to all.
