


2009 SPSP Psychology of Religion & Spirituality Preconference


The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor University is
proud to support the 1st Annual Society for Personality and Social
Psychology (SPSP) Pre-conference on Psychology of Religion-Spirituality,
which takes place on Thursday, Feb. 5, 2009, in Tampa, FL; TCC Room #

REGISTRATION: Online registration is now open. The pre-conference
registration fee is $50. Please follow the "online registration" link on
the left side of this page to complete pre-conference registration and
credit card payment. You will receive an automated email from
Julie_Stelley to inform you that payment has been completed
successfully. Please note that registration and payment for the main
SPSP conference should be completed separately.

This pre-conference will highlight classic, contemporary, and emerging
empirical research at the interface of social-personality psychology and
the psychology of religion-spirituality. Primary goals are to bring to
SPSP rigorous quantitative research on psychology of religion and
spirituality topics and to bring to the psychology of religion
sub-discipline some new, innovative, and established social-personality

The program will consist of invited research presentations, a poster
session, and informal opportunities for networking during breakfast, a
snack break, and lunch.

POSTER SESSION: We welcome submissions of original research that address
topics in psychology of religion/spirituality, preferably from a
social-personality perspective. There is space for 10 - 20 posters. The
first 20 reasonable submissions will be accepted. Submissions should be
emailed to [log in to unmask] and must include: 1) title, 2)
author(s) and affiliation(s), 3) abstract -- 250 words or less, 4) and
email of the contact person.


Adam Cohen (Arizona State University)
Julie Exline (Case Western Reserve University) Nicholas Gibson
(Cambridge University) Peter Hill (Biola University) Mike McCullough
(University of Miami) David Myers (Hope College) Crystal Park
(University of Connecticut) Constantine Sedikides (University of

For more information on this event please contact:
[log in to unmask] _______________________________________________

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