Apologies.  Regarding the e-mail I forwarded last week (see below); it seems that the issue won't actually be live until next week.  But i'm sure it is worth waiting for!
Best wishes
chris rust

Please circulate the following widely
Best wishes

Begin forwarded message:

Date: 17 October 2008 14:54:00 BDT
Subject: Reinvention: a Journal of Undergraduate Research: Content Alert

Reinvention: a Journal of Undergraduate Research 
 Content Alert
  Volume 1, Issue2
October 2008






Please forward this content alert to anyone you feel would be interested in reading our latest papers or learning more about the journal, including how to submit a paper.


Papers are now accepted from all undergraduate students, within all disciplines, in the UK and overseas. Submissions are welcome for our next issue, due to be published in April 2009.
We will also be publishing a special issue of the journal, alongside our second volume next year, for collaborative papers written by staff and students together on research undertaken collaboratively. Please see our website for further details.


If you have not already signed up for our content alerts and would like to receive a notification each time the journal is published please follow this link and sign up online:


