


Did you happen to see Philip Larkin with a pet toad there?



2008/10/1 Max Richards <[log in to unmask]>:
> Cemetery Road
> Off Yarra Street, turn right
> (mind the oncoming traffic)
> and the first three or four houses,
> new, on the left all look desirable:
> fresh, elegant, at home already
> among the sun-glinting eucalypts.
> The second is still for sale -
> couldn't we downsize here?
> Further from town, fewer rooms,
> affordable, livable. Roses; quiet.
> But who wants to live on Cemetery Road?
> After the houses there's that open space,
> parcelled out in graves and grave-sites.
> Not far to go when the time comes.
> The ultimate in downsizing.
> Observe the waiting plastic frames:
> piled, each a little larger than a grave:
> once the grave is dug you don't want it filling with rain.
> I sense my pallbearers' black shoes, polished
> that morning, sinking in soft clay at my grave's edge,
> the awkwardness with ropes, the tilting
> and lowering, settling down there, now
> and forever. The muddied shoes step back
> discreetly. Rose petals flutter on my lid.
>  Wednesday 1 October 2008
>  Max Richards, Doncaster, Victoria
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> This email was sent from Netspace Webmail:

David Bircumshaw
Website and A Chide's Alphabet
The Animal Subsides
Leicester Poetry Society: