

Yup, makes perfect sense!
So in practice, to get the probability that either direction pathway passes through voxel x, normalized to waytotals (and therefore also allowing comparing these probabilities across subjects), the bottom line is to fslmaths your way to:
p = [p(  [A->x->B] )]/waytotal(a->b) + [p( [A<-x<-B] )]/waytotal(b->a) - ([p(  [A->x->B] )]/waytotal(a->b)) * ([p( [A<-x<-B] )]/waytotal(b->a))
(assuming independance, which is clearly an approximation, but one that is hard to get around).

All fine on paper...
I gave it a shot, but any (fslmaths fdt_paths -div waytotal) returns an empty map (or one with a single voxel), since waytotal is typically much greater than the typical number of streamlines through any one voxel.
Is there a way around that? I tried multiplying my fdt_paths by a random very large number first, but then I am not sure what to make of the values in my final p map.

Maybe I'm lacking enough sleep to have completely misunderstood?


Cherif P. Sahyoun                                               HST-MEMP

Developmental Neuroimaging of Cognitive Functions

C: 617 688 8048
H: 617 424 6956
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"Live as if this were your last day. Learn as if you'll live forever"

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 5:44 AM, Andreas Bartsch <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Yep, that absolutely makes sense!

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library im Auftrag von Saad Jbabdi
Gesendet: Mi 01.10.2008 11:30
Betreff: Re: [FSL] AW: [FSL] probtrackx in MNI space

In that case, the probability that you want is the conditional
probability that "the path starting at A, passes through x and B,
knowing that A connects to B"
which, as you know, is: p(A->x->B | A->B) = p(A->x->B)/waytotal(A->B)

then in what I wrote below, you simply have to replace p(A->x->B) by
the conditioning on A and B being connected a priori.

You are right that the two events are not independent. Knowing that A-
 >x->B does indeed tell you about A<-x<-B, but it is hard to say how
much it tells you!


On 1 Oct 2008, at 10:18, Andreas Bartsch wrote:

> Hi Saad,
>> assuming the two events are independent
> which they are certainly not, don't you think?
> Anyway, how about normalizing that output (i.e. the sum of the two
> fdt_path minus their product) to a meaningful waytotal? Would you
> have to simply have to add the two waytotals for that?
> Thanks, hope all is well!
> Cheers-
> Andreas
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library im Auftrag von Saad Jbabdi
> Gesendet: Mi 01.10.2008 10:55
> An: [log in to unmask]
> Betreff: Re: [FSL] probtrackx in MNI space
> Hi -
> It is important to keep in mind what is the probability that you want
> to calculate, it will tell you whether you want to add, substract,
> multiply or divide.
> Probtrackx calculates the probability that the path of least hindrance
> to diffusion from A passes through x: P(A->x). Using a waypoint B, the
> values become now the probability that the path of least hindrance to
> diffusion from A passes through x and B, i.e. p(A->x->B).
> Now combining p(A->x->B) and p(A<-x<-B), what you want is the
> probability that either the path from A to B or from B to A passes
> through x, which means:
> p( [A->x->B] or [A<-x<-B] ) = p(  [A->x->B] ) + p( [A<-x<-B] ) -
> p( [A-
>> x->B] and [A<-x<-B] )
> Assuming the two events are independent (i.e. passing through x coming
> from A to B, or from B to A), the last probability is the product of
> both maps.
> So in order to calculate the probability that you want, you would need
> to add both maps, and substract their product.
> Cheers,
> Saad.
> On 30 Sep 2008, at 18:25, Cherif Sahyoun wrote:
>> Hi Markus,
>> Matt and Saad will correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd say the way
>> you're proposing will cause you to lose any meaningful relationship
>> between the waytotal and your image. i.e. if you add, then
>> essentially the statement that waytotal is the total number of
>> streamlines that "made it" between your masks is preserved, but once
>> you multiply your images, then it would seem like your waytotal is
>> not as helpful...
>> (i like the idea of multiplying to get rid of outliers though...
>> i've been thresholding as per previous posts).
>> Cherif.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Cherif P. Sahyoun                                               HST-
>> Developmental Neuroimaging of Cognitive Functions
>> C: 617 688 8048
>> H: 617 424 6956
>> [log in to unmask]
>> "Live as if this were your last day. Learn as if you'll live forever"
>> Ghandi
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 3:41 AM, Markus Gschwind <[log in to unmask]
>>> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am following your discussion with a lot of interest!
>> Here I have a question:
>> Why wouldn't you MULTIPLY (instead of add) the paths AB and BA?
>> I thought it is a more conservative measure of what is in common and
>> trancking outliers will dorp out. (And take the mean of waytotals).
>> Thanks,
>> Markus

Saad Jbabdi,
Postdoctoral Research Assistant,
Oxford University FMRIB Centre

FMRIB, JR Hospital, Headington, Oxford  OX3 9DU, UK
+44 (0) 1865 222545  (fax 222717)
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