

Please contact Oliver if interested in participating...

Two last-minute openings have emerged for a two-part paper session on
Gramsci.  At the moment, we have six papers and would be pleased to have two
more.  Themes for the session center on negotiating Gramsci with theories of
space, the materiality of hegemony and the political, the prescience of his
theoretical and political importance, etc.  For the session abstract, please
see below.  If interested, please contact Oliver Belcher at
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Considering Gramsci's Spaces
2009 Annual Conference for the Association of American Geographers, Las
Vegas, NV

The influence of Antonio Gramsci on geography's approach to political,
economic, and cultural studies over the past twenty five years has been
considerable -- from analyses of class-based hegemonies and meanings
becoming generalized into social and spatial structures, to neo-Gramscian
global political economy and geopolitics, to his influence on
poststructuralist reconfigurations on notions of identity and performance.
 However, what remains largely unresolved is the impact (not to overstate
the case) a sophisticated spatial lens can bring to Gramsci, and conversely,
what Gramsci brings to enduring questions on theories of space, particularly
in light of recent considerations on the materiality of the political,
political ecology, and theories of the state.  Papers in this session will
aim to address these concerns.

Oliver Christian Belcher
PhD Student
Department of Geography
University of British Columbia

"The hope that earthly horror does not possess the last word is, to be sure,
a non-scientific wish."  Max Horkheimer

"No one likes armed missionaries." Maximilien Robespierre

Department of Geography
University of Kentucky
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