

Drop Caps by K.S. Ernst

2008, 5" x 8", 62 pgs, color, $15.  Add $4 for postage.
ISBN 1-438279-68-X | EAN-13 978-1-43827968-8

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K.S. Ernst's Drop Caps is an alphabet book, a Pandora's box of verbo- 
visual treasures, a crate of sculptures, a litany of of the textual  
imagination, and a pure delight for the eye. Combining the eye of a  
painter, the ear of a poet, and the hand of a typographer, Ernst  
examines the power of text through color, cancellation, eradication,  
shape, torquing, humor, pathos, and a dry sense of humor and  
seriousness that surprise on every page. Beginning as an alphabet book  
that swerves from frame to frame with visual legerdemain and grace,  
the book ends with a flickering set of even greater experimentations,  
each of which on every page are haunted by individual capital letters  
of the alphabet, often askew, the dropped capitals that give the book  
its name.

	—Geof Huth

It's always a pleasure to write about K.S. Ernst, allowing me an  
opportunity to try to spread the good news of new publications and to  
further contextualize her in the frames of her own opus and of the  
arts of our time. Writing about publications in editions is  
particularly important in her case, since most of her oeuvre is one-of- 
a-kind works of art. Still, I've had the opportunity to write about  
her in her Web Survey  ( 
ernst.htm) and in an extended essay on her and her closest  
collaborators, Marilyn R. Rosenberg and David Cole in Correspondence  
Art Solos and Choruses (  
Drop Caps, gives the reader a better sense of her abilities to work in  
multiple dimensions than those editions which have come before.  
Dimensions in this case include reproductions of bas relief sculpture  
that come as close as an affordable book can manage to demonstrating  
her work with three dimensional pages. The text itself may be the  
fullest published to date. Here, phantom narratives nest conundrums in  
their coyly side-stepping and evasive sentences, in turn nested inside  
questions with multiple answers—and answers to multiple questions.  
These stories in turn find themselves graphically placed inside  
layered explorations of the shapes and potential functions of letters  
in a delightful play of dancing wit and in-depth exploration of signs  
we take for granted. How much can the intrusion of the upper serif and  
middle bar of the letter G fill in the spectral tones and messages of  
ungrateful ghosts whispering above obscured candles? It may be  
surprising how much particularly for those too familiar with now  
predictable genres ranging from popular fiction to the latest in  
deconstructionist theory to the rigidity of the Concrete Poetry of  
half a century ago. In previous comments, I've called Ernst the Mozart  
of current visual poetry. If my comments here suggest a forbiddingly  
difficult work, that's just a reflection of my problems in summing up  
the book in a brief space. As in the early through middle Mozart,  
Ernst has an uncanny ability to make the most complex ideas clear,  
free of pretension or obfuscation, and not only easy but fun to follow.

	—Karl Young

For inventive elegance, few visual poets in any language now can equal  
K. S. Ernst.
	—Richard Kostelanetz

The visio-textual art of K.S. Ernst lifts poetry to its rightful three- 
dimensional habitat where it comes alive: viewable, palpable,  
performative. This essential, generative synthesis of mind and heart  
creates experience, immediately memorable. Raw truth spawns multiple  
probable realities. Works by K.S. Ernst should be seen widely, studied  
intently, and savored by discerning viewers for whom art equals  
infinity. The text of Drop Caps, generous, insightful, and framed by  
its source letters, encompasses mind in matter. Anchored by coherence  
of the alphabet, this book characterizes what is best in contemporary  
visio-textual art. Drop Caps is a must-have for every library seeking  
to encompass what is most dynamic in 21st Century art.

	—Sheila E. Murphy

Just when I thought everything anybody could do with the alphabet had  
now been done, K.S. Ernst finds ten million new ways to use it (while  
doing a lot of other good stuff, too—some of it Very Funny)!

	—Bob Grumman

Much more than just an ABC, this alphabet-structured book explores the  
possible complete randomness (therefore a kind of order) of our ways  
of arranging language, and thus of consciousness itself.  Each letter  
is approached from numerous perspectives and is shown to be at the  
center of a swarm of text, structure, form, color, dimensionality,  
emotion, idea, and many other manifestations of what is.  An  
impressive and beautiful work.

	—John M. Bennett, Luna Bisonte Prods

Also check out the new 25th anniversary edition of SEQUENCING by K.S.  
Ernst.  21 previously unpublished pieces added. A certified Xexoxial  

10375 Cty Hway Alphabet
La Farge WI 54639